Bloods Gem Page 9
Upstairs I day dreamed about the night before. Everything seemed so clear. The way our spirits embraced intrigued me. I wanted to stay in that moment forever. The feeling I had for Chris could not compare with this.
I wondered If I had never had one of these dreams, if I'd still want Chris intimately. I also wondered if my dreams were making me lustful, when in reality my body was trying to act out my desires for the dream man.
It wouldn't be good if I made love with Chris and come to find out I didn’t love, or feel much for him to begin with. I thought I should give it more thought before I actually went along with our Valentines Day plans. I didn’t want to do something I would regret forever.
The sun setting indicated how much time had passed. I jumped up and ran downstairs, found Gina and Kate lounging in the living room.
“You girl's still want to go out tonight?” I asked, hoping they would say no, so I could just go back to bed. Gina glanced at the clock. “Shit, we need to get ready. We’re supposed to meet Cameron for dinner.”
Sighing, I ran upstairs to get dressed. I felt sexy, so I wanted to wear something that complimented my mood. Finally I settled on a tight-fitting, low cut, black top and skirt.
Gina let me borrow her black high heels again. Letting my hair down, I put on a little makeup. Looking at myself in the long mirror that hung on the bathroom door. “Wow, nice,” I thought smiling.
Walking downstairs Kate and Gina chuckled. “Going to try to get some tonight?” Gina laughed.
I laughed sarcastically, “Yeah right.”
After dinner at a pub,we headed to the club. Nervous fluttering arose from my stomach, prompting a memory of the dream from the night before. The idea that those butterflies had somehow moved into my being and might be setting up a nest in my stomach almost caused me to cry out. I don't know why I thought it, but suddenly I felt anxious and ready to bolt. Taking a deep breath, I looked out the window as Cameron parked. The sound of music grew louder as we approached. Despite my dislike for crowds, I smiled and acted as though nothing was wrong.
Inside, a crowd gathered on the dance floor. In the dim light, I used Gina as a guide. Candles lined the walls and table tops. There was a bar set up in each corner, lit with a string of green Christmas lights. Cameron led us to a section furnished with leather sofas and settees. Kate and I sat on a sofa. Cameron and Gina left us alone to check on other employees.
“This is so cool!” I yelled over the music.
“Yeah, very,” Kate replied.
We both sat quiet for awhile. Seeming tense, I could tell Kate was uncomfortable. Looking around, I noticed the majority was our age group. Some older men lurked in the darkness, waiting to pounce on innocent drunk girls.
Watching drunk people dance, we laughed, and pointed out individuals making fools of themselves. Neither of us were drinkers, but we thought on this night, we might make an exception.
Cameron brought drinks, then quickly abandoned us again. The drink tasted of sweet lemonade. I had four before I began slurring. Kate followed my lead and our initial anxiety evaporated.
We stumbled our way to the dance floor, laughing. Goofy dance moves caused a few looks in our direction. Holding our noses, waving our free hand we performed a squat and then jumped up to the imaginary watery surface. When the music transitioned to hard rock, we jumped up and down head banging, uncaring of those around us.
After an hour of dorky dancing, throbbing began at the back of my head it soon escalated into a full blown migraine. We moved off the dance floor to our previous spot on the sofas. Laying my head on the back of the couch, the room began to spin.
The image of my dream man floated through my mind. Kate laughed loudly and poked at my sides. Groaning, I pushed her hand away trying to get her to stop. Trying to get away from her and the images in my head, I stood up. She tugged on my shirt and pulled herself up.
“You have an admirer,” she said laughing again. Glancing in the direction of my so called admirer. I followed her stare, turned and looked in that direction. Then I froze.
The rest of the world disappeared, and I was alone in the room with him. Staring into his dark eyes, I was unable to look away. My eyes stung with tears. Without any conscious knowledge of moving, somehow I made my way toward him. He held to the bar to his side, his expression pained.
Wanting to touch his face to make sure he was real, I hesitated.
“Are you okay?” I whispered leaning in. My face touched the side of his cheek. Stepping back, I glanced at him. Wondering why he had not responded. He seemed frozen, unable to move or talk. Looked into his eyes, he seemed absent as if some part of him had taken flight.
I reached into my purse, grabbing for a pen and piece of paper and wrote my number down. My hand shook as I hurried to put the paper in his hand. He flinched.
“Please take it,” I said holding my hand out in front of me. Falling to his knees, I gasped. Suddenly I was being shoved away. Long red hair and dark eyes, she glared at me. “I’ve got him,” she snapped.
I held out the piece of paper and asked her to give it to him. She snatched it from my hand and drug him away, hurriedly.
It was all tied together somehow but I wasn’t sure how. Everything I had experienced during this trip and before, lead me to this particular moment. As if every step I took was a path already laid.
Kate had passed out on the couch. I moved back across the room and sat next to her unable to think, until Gina appeared and told us it was time to go.
By the time we got back to the house, I was sober. Cameron and I helped Kate to her room. Needing time to think, I hurried to my room and shut the door. Laying on the bed, I glanced at the phone, wishing he would.
Had I imagined all of this? If I could meet him under normal circumstances perhaps this wouldn't all seem so crazy.
I imagined Chris yelling at me. Saw us yelling at each other. I texted Chris and told him I was still sick and would be home in a few days. Texting back, he asked why I was delaying my return. Not wanting to argue, I called my mom.
“Hey mom.”
“Hey baby, how’s your trip?”
“Its going good, but Kate and I are sick. We might stay a few extra days before we come home.”
“Okay honey. What’s wrong, did you catch something?”
“I’m not sure. We think it might be something we ate, but can you do me a favor?”
“Sure, do you need some money?”
“No. I’m good. Kate’s handling that. I need you to call Chris and tell him I’m too sick to call or talk. Can you do that for me? He keeps bugging me and its hard to enjoy this with him constantly worrying.”
“Yeah. I'll call him right now. Don’t worry. I'll get him off your back.” She said laughing.
“Thanks mom. Love you.”
“Love you too honey. Feel better.”
I passed out with the phone still in my hand. My dreams were simple. I dreamed about returning home. Chris was waiting for me at the airport. He was happy to see me home, he asked me to never go on a long trip like that again unless it was with him. He said he couldn’t stand being away from me. In another dream with Chris he was on one knee, purposing.
I woke to the phone ringing in my hand, still half asleep.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Hello, am I speaking to Faith?” My heart jumped and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.
“This is her,” I replied.
“Hello Faith my name is Daniel Hill. We met at the bar last night. I’m sorry about the incident. I had too much too drink and…”
“Ohh,” is all I could get out. A lump had formed in my throat. I giggled nervously.
“I remember you. You’re the one who passed out at my feet.”
He paused. I thought maybe I had offended him, then heard a crash in the background.
“Sorry again,” he said softly.
I smiled and bit my hand, reminding myself this conversation was really taking place. We agreed to meet a
t a cafe.
Excited, I ran to the bathroom hurrying to brush my teeth and hair. Scrambling for my purse downstairs, Gina watched me. "Going somewhere?" She asked. I glanced at her. "Oh, can you write down the directions to Cafe la Blue?" I asked. She wrote down the directions for me. "I guess you need to borrow the car?" She asked.
"Yes, please. If you don't mind."
She tossed me the car keys. "Be careful, not a scratch." I grinned back at her, “Hugs,” I said. She waved me out the door.
I wanted to seem uninterested in Daniel. Not just because I had a boyfriend, but to be safe. I didn’t want to feel vulnerable to him. And I definitely didn’t want to get hurt, knowing the feelings I already had for someone I didn’t even know. He would most likely either be married or have a hundred girls at his beck and call. I didn’t want to be another girl who threw myself at him.
I didn’t know what would come from this or even what I was going to do or say. And I wasn’t going to tell him about my crazy dreams, because he might think I was a crazy person.
I pulled up to the side of a building, so I could walk down the road to the cafe. Walking towards the cafe I pulled my sun glasses from my purse and put them on.
As I got closer I saw him sitting outside the cafe. He wore a black pea coat and also donned sun glasses. I didn’t know if he was staring at me or the empty street beside me.
He stood up as I approached.
“Faith?” He asked.
I smiled, “Daniel?”
He took my hand and pulled me close to him, taking my breath away. I bit my lip as he kissed both my cheeks.
Moving to take my seat, he came behind me and pulled my chair out.
“Thank you,” I said.
He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder. His hand was fire burning my skin. Feeling as if I would faint, I gripped my seat. Looking down, I blinked twice, to retain the light. Looking up at his smiling face, a tickling rose up my back, and to the front of my body. Lustful thoughts invading me, my body tried leaping forward. Catching this sudden attack I withdrew my movements. His smirk led me to believe he was responsible.
Pulling myself out of the trance, I removed my glasses, showing him I could resist.
“So, did you ask me here as an apology for last night?” I asked smiling. Waiting for his response. He sat thinking. I was impatient for a response and stared harder. Again, he appeared to be suffering.
“I wanted to apologize in person. I felt like an idiot last night for drinking so much.”
So he was drunk, I thought to myself. He's probably being polite and isn't interested. I didn’t figure I was anything compared to the girls he could get or had. Why did he even bother? There was no need for a meeting, especially since he didn’t seem too interested.
Miserable, “Well it’s fine, but there’s no need for all of this,” I said sounding bitter.
He leaned over the table towards me, “So, you find me attractive?” Was it that noticeable? I felt stupid, and tried hard to think of something to make him feel like a dumb ass for asking. I laughed. “I’m sorry Daniel. Last night I was drunk and shouldn’t have given you my number. I have a boyfriend back home.”
His smile was replaced by a guarded look.
“I understand.”
Putting his head down on the table, “Are you okay?” I asked. “You look like you're going to get sick.”
He laughed and put his head in his hands.
“I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings,” I said.
He chuckled again. I tried to see his face wondering what he was thinking.
“What?” I asked him.
Turning toward me, “It's nothing Faith. I was just taken aback. I thought you felt the same as I.”
Shocked, I wondered if he was playing mind games. Maybe he was feeling bad knowing I figured him out and that he had no interest. He knew I was leaving soon, so he would try to save me some embarrassment and sending me off letting me think he was into me. Or maybe he was into me and I was just reading him wrong. My mind raced. What could I say?
I'll just stick to my plan, I thought. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong impression.” That was the most decent thing I could come up with. I hated holding back, but it was for the best, knowing I’d get hurt and I had Chris back at home.
I couldn't turn back, even though every part of me was fighting this. He asked me to walk with him. I agreed, telling him I had to go soon.
We talked the entire time. He asked about my life in the United States and I told him I was going to college and about my mom and boyfriend. He talked a little about his family and how much he adored his mother. He seemed reluctant discussing much of his life but he seemed like a good guy. It was hard to look at him for long. That perfect face made me want to cry, because I knew I couldn't have him. I wondered why I was led to him, if he wasn't feeling the same. Why had he invaded my dreams. How could I explain this? Though I wanted to tell him, I couldn't.
I bumped into him a few times while we walked, feeling a little light headed. He fit my dream perfectly but this was better. His presence was proof that I wasn’t insane.
We stopped at a park, furnished with trees and statues. Children played on the playground and birds sang in the trees. I hoped I wouldn’t wake up to find myself dreaming again.
I jumped upon the concrete base holding a statue of a horse and started walking around it. Humming, I looked down at him and he was staring.
Smiling and ready to jump down, he held his arms out to help me. I put my hands on both sides of his arms and fell into him. Time slowed, we gazed at each other, with his hands on my waist. Breathing deeply, my body caught fire. I bit my lip, looked down and sighed.
Tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear, he slid his finger down my cheek.
“We better get you back,” he said.
We walked back slowly, in silence. Chancing a glance in his direction, I saw he was in serious thought. I didn’t want to ask. Thinking about the sudden change in mood, I felt as if I'd been wrong about him. He did want me.
Once we made it back to the cafe, I wondered if I would see him again. I didn't want to say goodbye. But if he did like me, I was sure he would call me again. “It was nice meeting you Daniel,” I said smiling. Returning the smile, “It was my pleasure Faith,” He said, bowing his head.
The way my name rolled off his tongue, in that English accent, made my head fuzzy. I turned to walk away and he grabbed my hand.
“I can't let you go without trying something first.”
He pulled me close and took his glasses off. His hands around my waist, my heart beat hard against my chest. Looking into my eyes, his lips touched mine.
His tongue pressed against mine as he pulled me closer. Placing my hand on the back of his head, I kissed him back. Consumed by the moment then ripped from it when I felt intense pain shooting from my hand up into my arm.
Opening my eyes my face soaked with tears. I glanced at my hand and saw it was at an unnatural angle. I pushed Daniel away. He let go of me but stood there as if in a daze.
Frightened and the realization that he had broken my hand. Who does this? Why would he?
“You broke my hand!” I yelled.
I knew something was off about him but I purposely ignored my gut feeling, because the connection i felt for him was stronger then the prodding in my logic.
I jumped in the car, put my useable hand on the steering wheel. I shot it in reverse and took off. I had to find a hospital quick. Gritting my teeth I yelled “Fuck!”
The phone rang on the seat next to me. Glancing over at it, the number didn't look familiar, so I ignored it. Five minutes later I drove into the emergency room parking lot. I signed in as the nurse gave me an ice pack. Pulling the phone from my purse, I saw a new message, so I called voice mail. Apologizing, Daniel said he didn’t know how it happened and had got lost in the moment. I wanted to accept his apology, But it made no sense.
Images of Daniel driving into the hospital parking lot and
entering the building emerged. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced over, Daniel bent down on his knee taking my hand in his.
"Faith, I'm so sorry" He said. Starring into his green pleading eyes, I wondered why they were no longer black. His touch caused my pain and uneasiness to subside. I told him my plan to call him back when I was done. Relieved, Daniel laid his head against my leg, until they called me in.
In the small, cold room, the doctor didn’t ask questions. After examining my hand he signaled the nurse. "Lay down on the hospital bed," He said. I glanced over at the bed, wishing I had had Daniel come into the room with me. Placing my foot on the step in front of the bed I hopped up onto it. My butt sliding on the paper roll, the sharp crisp sound of paper crinkling underneath caused me to cringe. Laying on the bed he took my hand. "Okay, we have to reset your hand. On the count of three I'll pop it back into place. Ready?" He asked. I glanced at the nurse beside me as she held my arm. I nodded. "One" I closed my eyes. I didn't hear two. But then I felt pressure increase on my hand then the grinding it was more then i could bare. Hearing a pop I started screaming. Barging into the room, Daniel came up next to me. He pushed the doctor aside and placed his hand on the back of my head. His touch burned but the other pain disappeared immediately.
"There," he said.
"How'd you do that?" I asked.
He smiled. "Don't worry about that." Gently sitting me up, "Let's get out of here," he said.
The doctor stopped us. "Let me put this on first." He placed a splint on my hand. Later, as he walked me outside, he put his jacket over me. Chris entered my head. I felt sick to my stomach knowing I had kissed Daniel and was in a relationship with Chris.
“I cant do this!” I cried.
“Why are you upset?” He asked.
“This was a mistake, I have a boyfriend.”
Daniel balled his hands into fist. He paced back and forth. He glanced over at me. “Do you have feelings for me Faith?” I nodded. Walking over to me he placed his hands on both shoulders. “Then stay with me-- For a week. I'll put you up in a hotel,” he said. Thinking of his proposal, I knew I owed it to Chris to make sure I was not in love with Daniel. I couldn’t live with myself if I returned home acting as if everything was normal with Chris, if I was really in love with Daniel. Looking up at him I agreed to stay. He looked surprised. He insisted on driving me back home.